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10 search results

  • Getting Started: How do I complete online setup?
    Answer: Before you can go through the online setup, you must first publish an Armadillo page to your website. For Stacks users Create a new Stacks page in ...
  • Getting Started: What are all the various Armadillo stacks for?
    Answer: What are all the various Armadillo stacks for? Answer Great question! Here's a quick summary of the purpose behind each stack: Armadillo: this is the main stack, and ...
  • Getting Started: How do I install and update Armadillo?
    Answer: Download Note: For our German users, please see this PDF - ArmadilloInstallation-German.pdf (courtesy of Alexander Schmidt, @Schmidta69 on Twitter) Before installing Armadillo onto your computer, you must ...
  • Troubleshooting: I don't see the login link to the admin panel. How do I find it?
    Answer: Armadillo v2.0 and Above The dashboard can be directly accessed at this URL at any time: Just replace with the domain of your website, and be ...
  • Troubleshooting: Nothing shows up when I visit the Armadillo page, or I'm seeing a 'ZipExtract' error.
    Answer: When you first visit the Armadillo page on your website, Armadillo does a lot of work behind the scenes to prepare for the initial online ...
  • Troubleshooting: I'm getting a Not Found or 404 Error when trying to finish the online setup.
    Answer: When you first visit the Armadillo page on your website, Armadillo does a lot of work behind the scenes to prepare for the initial online ...
  • Settings & Configuration: Admin/Login Link
    Answer: Please note: Only admin users can access the Settings tabs described below. If you do not see the Settings tab when logging in that means ...
  • General Questions: How do I move my content to a new database?
    Answer: Armadillo has a built-in backup feature that performs a complete export of your content, compresses it into a zip file, and then stores that zip ...
  • User Guide: How do I create a blog?
    Answer: There are two ways to do this in Armadillo: Use the "Auto Create" feature in the dedicated Armadillo Blog stack Login to the online Armadillo dashboard, and ...
  • User Guide: How do I manage users?
    Answer: After you've logged into Armadillo navigate to the Users tab. This is where you can create, edit, and delete users. Please note, only admin users ...

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