How do I display the sidebar?
Armadillo has the ability to display sidebar content for each page you've created through the online interface. However, this requires adding a code snippet to RapidWeaver in the Page Inspector --> Sidebar --> Page Sidebar field. Alternatively, you can use the Armadillo Sidebar stack, and more details about this stack follows the numbered directions below.
The code snippet required is included with your original download file when you purchased Armadillo. The snippet is located in the "Extras" folder (you can also download the Armadillo Extras directly from the NimbleHost website), and is a file called "ArmadilloSidebar.rwsnippet". Double-click that file to install it, then restart RapidWeaver.
Follow these directions for adding the code snippet to your Armadillo page.
- In RapidWeaver, select your Armadillo page, and make sure you are in Edit mode.
- Open the Page Inspector for that page, and navigate to the Sidebar --> Page Sidebar field.
- Open the Snippets Browser by selecting "Show Snippets" from RapidWeaver's View menu.
- Locate the Armadillo Sidebar snippet you installed previously.
- Drag and drop the snippet into the Sidebar area of the Page Inspector.
- Highlight the entire code snippet, then select the "Ignore Formatting" option from RapidWeaver's Format menu.
- Publish your site. Once you have finished Armadillo's online setup, any sidebar content you create through the online interface will now be displayed on your website.
When no sidebar content appears
The sidebar snippet is used to display sidebar content you create in Armadillo for a page, and does not include things like the nav links to categories, tags, archives and RSS feed for blog pages.
In other words, if you don't specifically add sidebar content when editing a page (not Posts or Solo Content, but Pages as listed in the Pages tab), then the sidebar snippet won't show anything.
Assuming you have added such content, then the snippet you are using might be out of date. In that case, replace it with the following snippet:
$assetPath = '%resource()%' . '/../rw_common/plugins/stacks'; include_once $assetPath . "/armadillo/core/displayContent.php";
echo displaySidebarContent( $dbLink, FALSE, ENTER_BLOG_PAGE_ID, 'page', $assetPath ); }
Be sure to replace the "ENTER_BLOG_PAGE_ID" portion above with the Blog ID (a number, displayed for you in the "ID" column of the Pages tab next to your blog page).
If you'd like to display nav links for categories, tags, archives and RSS for a Blog page, you'll need to use the ArmadilloBlogNavigationLinks snippet or stack.
Tags: User Guide