Blog & RSS Options

~ 0 min
2020-07-04 04:56

Please note: Only admin users can access the Settings tabs described below. If you do not see the Settings tab when logging in that means you do not have admin-level access.

After you've logged into Armadillo's online interface and navigated to the Settings tab, click on the Blog Options button to display the relevant settings.

One of Armadillo's greatest strengths is its ability to work as a remote blogging platform, independent of RapidWeaver. You can create, edit, and delete posts from any browser with an internet connection. Settings for your Armadillo Blog are controlled in the Blog Options, Blog RSS, Blog Categories and **Blog Tags*** sections.

Blog Options


This option controls the number of posts you would like displayed at one time on the public facing page where the Blog is shown.

  • By default Armadillo will display five (5) posts on the main Blog page. If there are more than five posts, a "Show more posts" button is displayed, which, when clicked, will load more posts onto the page dynamically, with fancy animation. You can control how many posts are displayed at a time in this section.

Post Author

  • Show author - This will display the author of a particular blog post.
  • Hide author - The author of a blog post will not be displayed.
  • Display Author's Username - If the "Show Author" option is selected, this will display the username of the post author.
  • Display Author's Full Name - This will display the full name of the author, as entered in his/her profile.

Post Summary

  • When creating or editing a post, you have the option to display a summary of the post on the main Blog page, rather than the full post content. When that option is selected, a "Read more" link will be displayed after the summary. You can customize the text of that link here.

Blog Comments

Control the appearance of blog comments. This will affect all posts, and will override individual post settings.

  • Show comments - This will turn comments on for all posts.
  • Hide comments - This will hide comments on all posts.
  • Disqus Shortname - Blog comments are served via Disqus, the same platform used by RapidWeaver. Enter your Disqus Shortname in this field, and also be sure to register your site with Disqus to ensure comments display correctly. Please note:After you select the "Show comments" option you will also need to enable comments for each individual post, which is done when editing the post itself.

Customize the "Show more posts" Button

  • Use the text field in this section to customize the text displayed as the "Show more posts" button. Non-English languages can be used.
  • Color options are also provided for the background and text color.

Blog RSS

RSS Feed Settings

  • Enable RSS Feed - When selecting this option Armadillo will create a RSS feed for your Blog.
  • Disable RSS Feed - RSS will be disabled, and no feed will be generated for your Blog.
  • Feed title - The title of your RSS feed, as it will appear in the feed itself.
  • Description - The description of your RSS feed, as it will appear in the feed itself.
  • Copyright - The copyright information of your RSS feed, which will also appear in the feed.

RSS Feed Link Details

  • Link name - The text of the RSS link that appears on your website, if you have enabled the RSS Feed, and are using the Armadillo Sidebar snippet
  • File name - The actual file name of the RSS feed itself. The default is "feed.rss" (minus the quotation marks). Make sure there are no spaces in the filename, e.g. myfeed.rss is okay, but my feed.rss is not.

RSS Feed Customization

  • Use custom feed - Select this option if you use a third party RSS feed service, such as Feedburner.
  • Custom RSS URL - Enter the URL of your custom RSS feed here.

After making your changes, be sure to click the large, green Save Settings button near the top of the page.

Blog Categories

  • Show categories - This will display categories in individual posts on your Blog, as well as display a list of all category terms in the sidebar, if you are using the Armadillo Sidebar snippet.
  • Hide categories - This will hide categories in individual posts, and in the sidebar..
  • Categories Title - This text is displayed on each Blog post, immediately before categories are listed.
  • Categories Separator - This item is inserted between individual category terms.

Blog Tags

  • Show tags - This will display tags in individual Blog posts, as well as display a list of all tags in the sidebar, if you are using the Armadillo Sidebar snippet.
  • Hide tags - This will hide tags in individual posts, and in the sidebar.
  • Tags Title - This text will be displayed before the tags listed in each individual post.
  • Tags Separator - This item is inserted between individual tags.
Tags: Settings & Configuration
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