What hosting companies work with Armadillo?
Please note: This list is not comprehensive, and is constantly changing. Most web hosting companies that offer Linux-based hosting with PHP 5.2+ and MySQL support should be compatible with Armadillo. The companies listed below are simply those we have been able to verify work with Armadillo. This list is not an endorsement of any particular hosting company.
When choosing a web hosting plan, we highly recommend using Linux-based hosting, which should be available from all the companies listed below.
- 1&1
- 123-reg
- Alfahosting.de (make sure the PHP version is set to 5.3.x or greater in the control panel)
- Aruba.it (make sure the PHP version is set to 5.3.x or greater in the control panel)
- Arvixe
- Bluehost
- Canspace.ca
- Chillidog Hosting
- Crazy Domains
- domainFACTORY
- Dreamhost
- DV Host
- Fatcow
- GigaHost
- GoDaddy
- HostGator
- Hostm
- HostMonster
- HostNeverDie
- HostPC
- Hostpoint.ch
- Hoststar.at
- iPage
- Intoxify Hosting
- Little Oak Hosting
- Loopia.se
- MacDock
- MacHighway
- MalamaWeb
- MeccaHosting
- Media Temple
- Mijndomein
- Name.com
- Network Solutions - If receiving a 403 Forbidden error, try Resetting File Permissions. You may also need to enable "Run as a CGI application" for PHP5.
- NimbleHost
- One.com
- OVH.nl
- QiQ
- Register.it
- ServInt
- Site5
- Siteground
- UK2.net
- WebDrive.co.nz
- WebFaction
- WestHost