How do I manage users?
After you've logged into Armadillo navigate to the Users tab. This is where you can create, edit, and delete users. Please note, only admin users will be able to access the Users tab.
To create a new User, click on the green "Add New User" button in the upper right corner of this section.
To edit a User, click on the blue "Edit" button in the Actions column, or click on the Login ID of the User.
To delete a User, click on the red "Delete" button in the Actions column. You'll be shown a confirmation page with a preview of the selected User, where you can either confirm the deletion, or cancel and return to the Users tab.
User Roles Explained
“Blogger” user accounts can only access and edit Blog posts which they personally created.
“Contributor” user accounts can only access and edit the content that they have personally created. They cannot edit or delete the content created by others, nor can they view, edit, or delete other user accounts.
“Editor” user accounts can access and edit any content created by anyone, including "Admin" users. However, they cannot view, edit, or delete other user accounts.
"Admin" user accounts have full and complete access to all content and user accounts. They can view, edit, and delete any content and any user accounts.
Editing Users
Once you've clicked on the "Add New User" button, you'll be shown a screen similar to that below. If you're editing a user, the Username, Name, Email, and Role fields will display the relevant information for that user.
- The Username and Password fields are used when a person wants to log into Armadillo's content creation interface so he/she can create and edit Posts and Pages, and to upload new Media files.
- The Name field is used to identify the content created by specific Users in the Posts and Pages tabs.
- The Email field is used to reset login information when a User forgets their password or username. Please make sure the email address is correctly entered when adding a new User.
- The Language field is used to set the language that Armadillo will show to that user when he/she logs in. The default setting is "auto-detect", which will determine the language to use based upon the language of the user's web browser.
- When editing a pre-exisiting User, the Password and Confirm Password fields will be left blank. To keep the current password leave these fields blank when submitting other changes (such as updating a new email address). For current Users, only enter a password into these fields if you want to change the existing password. For new Users the Password fields are required.
- If you do not want to create a User, or do not want to save the changes you have made to a pre-existing User, click the red Cancel button.