Primary Navigation Menu
Please note: Only admin users can access the Settings tabs described below. If you do not see the Settings tab when logging in that means you do not have admin-level access.
After you've logged into Armadillo and navigated to the Settings tab, click on the plus sign ( + ) next to the section labeled: Primary Navigation Menu. The settings listed here control the appearance of the menu created for you by Armadillo. This menu is made up of the pages you've created in Armadillo, in the Pages tab.
Display Options
Here you can choose how you would like the menu to be shown. See the video below for a tutorial on how to add your Armadillo menu to the main site navigation.
- Show Standard Menu- This will display the menu as a horizontal bar above the main content area where your content is displayed.
- Hide Menu - This, quite simply, hides the menu. It will not be visible on the page.
- Attach Menu to Site Navigation- If you would like the pages you create in Armadillo to be attached to the main site navigation (instead of displayed separately), choose one of these two options.
- Before Other Items - This will insert the menu before other items that are already listed in the main site navigation.
- After Other Items - This will insert the menu after other items that are already listed in the main site navigation.
- Main Navigation Container- If you choose one of the Attach Menu to Site Navigation options, you must enter the id or class name of the HTML container where your main site navigation is located. For stock RapidWeaver themes, this is often
, but many third party theme developers may use a different id or class name.
- Secondary Navigation Container- (Optional) If you choose one of the Attach Menu to Site Navigation options, you can enter the id or class name of the HTML container where your secondary site navigation is located. This field is intended for use with RapidWeaver themes that use split navigation to display the sub pages of a main menu item in a separate area (like a sidebar menu, for example).
- Other Navigation Container- (Optional) This text field option is similar to the Secondary Navigation Container explained above, except that it is designed for third level menu items (and below) that are displayed separately from both the main and secondary navigation areas.
Menu Hierarchy
Here you can change the order and hierarchy of the items listed in your menu.
- This section is a list of the items that will be shown in your navigation menu. You can use your mouse to drag and drop them into whatever order you need.
- To create a sub-page, drag a menu item below and to the right of the page you want it to appear under. Its placement should become indented slightly, indicating it is a sub-page of its parent.
Color Options
Use these color wells to customize the appearance of the standard navigation menu.
- If you hide the menu, or choose to attach it to the main site navigation, these color options will have no affect.
After making your changes, be sure to click the large, green Save Settings button near the top of the page.
Tags: Settings & Configuration